Somebody don't know who but somebody great came up with a format called vector! this particular format can be printed to any size one wants and not only that but when your working on it you can zoom in on it as much as u want and it still won't pixilate and that's the greatness of it.
I love graphics done in vector, I love layouts done in vector, I love illustrations done in vector, not that I don't appreciate the other forms of illustrations obviously, ( You can see some great mix media stuff on this website: ) but vector gives me a different kind of joy :)
I still remember when I first came to mumbai in 2006 and had joined Ogilvy the only thing that i used to do in my spare time was to download vector logos from the internet. It had become an obsession for a while. I mean part one of the story is that I love logos and branding stuff and the two I love collecting logos... in vector!. There's this weird guy inside me that says "man! you can blow a print as big as you want out of this". And that for some reason feels nice. Weird but true! :P
I still find my self working on Illustrator late in the nights these days though there are no clients, no deadlines or bosses it's just me making graphics for something or illustrations.
Posted here are some graphics that gave me enormous joy while I was making them.

Ah. What fond memories, Swap. I especially remember the third one. The optical illusion thingy. You spent many nights working on this in DDB. Damn. I miss those days so much sometimes! Through all the nonsense - bad clients, worse bosses - we had fun, no? :)
ReplyDeleteu bet man! :D